Please be aware that there are fake X-Poles being sold on Ebay and Craigslist for less than $200.00. Be very careful as the quality is not the same and they are unsafe!
They have plastic domes that crack, knife sharp edges on joints that open and close when the pole flexes causing your skin to get caught, chrome that peels off, black rubber on the dome which will leave marks on ceiling, and joints that are not welded so causing the pole to bow dangerously.
The new, authentic X-Poles don't have a wrench. This is an improved design that is more user friendly. The locking nut has a hole in it so you simply use the thicker end of the release rod, put it in the hole, and tighten the nut that way. The nut still has flat sides so if it was overtightened and stuck you could use a personal wrench to loosen it. The DVD and instruction manual come in a large write envelope that is taped to one of the sides of the inner box.
Be cautious when ordering. You can not exchange the fake X-Pole and Vertical Leisure will not be able to replace any faulty parts.
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